Monday, September 30, 2019
Graphic communication, Essay
In this task I will be identifying the many reasons to why people choose to communicate, and explain how communication may affect relationships within a work setting. Communication is the key to learning as it involves so many different aspects, for example communication is not just verbal it has a lot to do with things like body language, facial expressions and posture. People communicate for many different reasons and ever situation is different in every way. †¢Expressing needs- this is the main reason to why people communicate generally. This applies to people that are both common and uncommon with each other. This does not always involve talking this can be hand gestures, eye contact and body language. †¢To share ideas, information and to reassure- this is also main aspects to why people communicate. Individuals old and young want to portray their views and reassure people around them about certain situations. †¢To express feelings- this is another reason to why individuals communicate, if they don’t want to keep their feelings to themselves they have to communicate in some way to others. For example babies cry when they want something as this is their way of communicating their feelings. †¢To build relationships, socialize and to share experiences- these are reasons to why people communicate as it builds a social life for them, it brings more people around them meaning friends and family, which will mean that they have people who they can relate to and go through all different life experiences with. Read more: Identify different reasons why people communicate essay 1.2 – When working with children within a childcare setting, effective communication is key. When dealing with children you are not only dealing with the children who you need to communicate and build a relationship with but the parents and staff. For an individual in a childcare setting it is very important for them to have good relationships with a range of people; meaning, parents, staff, and the children. Communication and relationships come into play with each other very well, this is due to the better relationship you have with another individual the communication is likely to be more effective. Relationships and communication are influenced by certain things for example; the body language, facial expression and the way the other individual listens and talks to you. Building good relationships within the workplace will mean that communicating with everyone will be effective as there will be no problems. It will benefit things that occur in every setting, like sharing and gaining relevant information, supporting the children’s play and learning also working effectively as a team. Effective communication is a major skill that everyone working in a childcare setting must develop as this is the most practical/effective way to meet the needs of the children, parents, families and other members of staff on a daily basis. Communication is key in the daily events of every individual’s life, no matter how it is done either verbal or non verbal.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Debate of Gore/Bush
Gore believes that teachers should be able to have one on one sessions with their students and in order to do so he believes that classrooms should be smaller and more teachers should be hired. In order to hire more teachers he believes that teachers who teach a subject which was their own major should receive a bonus. He feels that education is important because â€Å"the students of today build the economy of tomorrow.†Bush believes that education is our first priority in this country. He believes that education should be both flexible for the students and the educators. He believes that more money should go into school funding and teachers should have a pay increase. He feels as though literacy is a big problem among children and he moves toward a structure of education that ensures a child his ability to read. Gore seems to be working towards helping the middle class population and hopes to pass a bill to give the middle class a tax cut. Bush is for big business and free enterprise. He feels that the government should not regulate big businesses and that competition in the economy is a very good thing.. Gore states that he is not afraid to take on drug companies to give medicare benefits to the elderly and bring down prescription prices to fit the elderly needs. He believes that we should slowly move step by step towards universal health coverage. He wants to make the health care plan better for those who have one and provide a health care plan for those who do not. Within four years he wants to make health care available for every child. He spoke of tax credit for individual health plans and an encouragement to businesses to give health care twenty-five percent credit. Bush is opposed to a national health care system. He stated that in the eight years that Clinton and Gore served nothing was done about medicare or social security. Bush also believes that Gore†s plans for healthcare cannot be carried out with our country†s budget and Bush believes Gore is a big spender. Bush stated how he provided health care for everyone in Texas and how a national health care plan would fail. I feel as though both candidates were pushing to get all of the issues in within this last debate and that made them not have much backup for all of their statements. I think this was just a â€Å"playground argument†between the two candidates. They both were trying to say they were the better candidate but they truly did not give us a reason why. Both candidates seemed to have some optimistic ideas for America but I just don†t see how some of their bills and plans would ever work. Although the debate did not show a good turnout for me I still feel as though Gore has more intelligence on his behalf and has exactly what America needs to expand us technologically.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Claudius Speech †Hamlet Essay
Claudius, the former ruler, husband of his sister and brother of the recently perished king gives a speech at the beginning of Act I. II of Hamlet. Shakespeare’s use of literary devices allows the reader to comprehend the intentions behind Claudius’s figurative language within his coronation speech. The opening scene in Hamlet portrays Denmark to currently be critically unstable and with militaristic chaos; however, in Claudius’s speech he disposes that idea and conveys confidence in the stability of the nation. This chronological set up introduces the theme of appearance vs. reality as Claudius efforts to manipulate the kingdom into trusting that he has everything under control is carried mischievously yet successfully throughout his speech. Aware of the presence of the rightful king, young Hamlet, Claudius commences his speech with an ambiguous line that strikes the attention of Hamlet. Once he is aware of young Hamlet’s attention, he continues to approach the courthouse. He seemingly shows a state of grief as he acknowledges his dead brother. â€Å" My dear brother’s death†the use of alliteration makes us aware that Claudius has used that line several times before in order to show a sign of loss. He wants to appear that has suffered too from this death, he mentions that â€Å" the memory be green†this metaphor is placed to represent the idea that the memory is fresh and it has not been long since he perished, while also leaving a gruesome image of the old kings decomposing body. His first use of anti-thesis is then exposed in line 6, when he mentions â€Å" the wisest sorrows†in that line he is understanding those in grief but reminding them to think of themselves and the future of Denmark instead. After respectfully mentioning the death of Hamlet, and expressing his condolence to the kingdom he deceitfully moves on to the second important announcement: his wedding. Uneasy, Claudius is trying to go about his speech like a metaphorical obstacle course hoping there is no interference or opposition, while still being able to appear as confident. Efficaciously, he presents his marriage â€Å" Therefore our sometime sister, now our queen, Th’ imperial jointress to this warlike state. †Using the state of war as his alaby to the marriage of his brother’s wife he is able to convince the courthouse that it is for the greater good and that his actions are a form of self-sacrifice for the nation. Continuing to justify his marriage as a cause and affect matrimony instead of acts of incest he mentions the â€Å" mirth in funeral †and â€Å"dirge in marriage†. This literary device is important within his speech because it is his second antithesis, and a paradoxical clause. In this he is suggesting that he brought happiness to this sad event for the benefit of his people. â€Å"In equal scale, weighing delight and dole†Claudius is trying to banish the aura of unsteadiness and declares balance. He makes up for the sorrow of his dead brother, by marrying his sister. Even though it is an obvious unusual event, Claudius reflects enough confidence as king and successfully manages avoid any opposition. A good strategy used was his the frequent use of â€Å" we†. This indicated that the king was not only speaking for himself, but he was speaking for everyone like a good statesman would. In reality however, he was doing so to make everyone aware that it was of â€Å" better wisdoms†to agree with him, and that those with worst wisdoms would not face good consequences. Claudius gently expresses his supreme control over Denmark and threatens anyone who dares oppose him in a non-aggressive way. He later finalizes the topic of marriage by dismissing the awkward topic of the table like a typical political â€Å" For all, our thanks†As king, Claudius then addresses the issues with Norway. Assertively, he informs the kingdom of his plan of action. He repeats the line â€Å" dear brother’s death†giving it little sentimental value. He then quickly states that Norway believes that Denmark is â€Å" disjoint and out of frame. †He assures the courthouse that the case is not so, and that they will successfully deal with Fortibras. The irony behind that is that Denmark is weak, regardless of what Claudius wants his people to believe. In order to seem like a man of action Claudius puts his future plan forward â€Å" Thus much the business is we have here writ to Norway, uncle of young Fortibras. †By doing that he convinces many that he is a potent king. Writing to Norway makes him seem like he is aware of what he is doing and that the nation does not need to worry. To complement his assurance he appoints two messengers to deliver a letter, this is significantly important because his objective is to prove to the court that he trusts his officials, ironically thought, he is purposely sending two people incase of a betrayal. Claudius’s speech had a successful outcome. He was able to gently hide his inner insecurities and expose himself as a good statesman and valiant leader. His word usage was essential to the deliverance of his speech as it allowed him to get his awkward points across like unusual marriage to his sister. His use of antithesis did make the reader question the sincerity of his grief, but it did not seem to affect the opinion of the courthouse. He showed clear superiority over everyone within the courthouse, especially Hamlet, while making himself clear that he would not tolerate any disagreement of his coronation. Most importantly, he put an action plan forward and proved himself as king.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Health in later life(health promotion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Health in later life(health promotion - Essay Example Despite knowing how to prevent diseases and promote well-being, the difficulty of health promotion really lies on transferring it in a manner that can be readily used by its target population (World Health Organization, 1986). After identifying the physical, psychological, financial and social changes associated with aging, this study focuses on discussing health promotion’s importance, methods and issues, in terms of it being directed to the elderly population. It should be noted that with the advancements in medicine, life expectancy has been continuously increasing dramatically (Schoeni, Freedman and Wallace, 2005). Statistics show that certain diseases, such as cancer and heart diseases, are more prevalent among the elderly. Physiologic aging causes changes in taste sensation, bone and muscular weakness, resulting in a loss of appetite, poor nutrition and decrease in mobility (Saxon, Etten and Perkins, 2009). In fact, muscle strength decreases by 15% per decade for those older than 50 and by 30% for those aged 70 and above, primarily due to sarcopenia, or loss of muscle mass, which is common among women than men (Nied and Franklin, 2002). Limitations in activities of daily living had been found to decrease life expectancy by almost three years (Lubitz, et al., 2003). Malnutrition contributes to weaker immune system, making them more at risk of acquiring infections such as high-risk community acquired pneumonia (Saxon, Etten and Perkins, 2009). Financial status is also an issue for the elderly, because they are usually retired or unemployed, limiting their resources (Naduva, 2007). In addition, those with difficulties in activities of daily living have an expected cumulative expenditure greater by almost $10, 000 than those without functional disability. Those who were admitted in institutions also spend considerably greater than those
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Chapter 1- What is Geomorphology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Chapter 1- What is Geomorphology - Essay Example The earth’s conspicuous features are landforms. These conspicuous features vary in lifespan (days-millennia-eons) and size (molehills-mountains). Geomorphology deliberates the landforms and the processes shaping them; because the processes, forms and their interrelationships are essential to landforms’ development and origin. Form is considered to be manifested in three aspects; constitution, mass flow and configuration (Huggett, 2011). However, these variables of form differ from dynamic variables (force, momentum, stress, energy influx and power) linked to geomorphic processes (Huggett, 2011). The difference of the variables can be explained as follows. For instance, a beach’s scenario is adopted for the explanation. The constitutional properties comprise grain shape, grains’ mean diameter, grains’ sorting and the beach’s moisture content. Dynamic variables combine the water currents’ drag stress and human beings’ and burrowing animals’ forces. Configurational properties consist of beach’s water depth, slope’s angle, form profile, while mass flow variables encompass deposition, erosion and transport rates. Geomorphic processes refer to the diverse physical and chemical avenues through which the surface of the earth experience modifications. These processes are compelled by forces originating outside the earth (extraterrestrial processes), in atmosphere and near the surface of the earth (exogene/ exogenic processes) and inside the earth (endogene/ endogenic processes). The geomorphic processes include transferring and transforming processes linked to ice, gravity, water, wind and weathering (Huggett, 2011). Geomorphic enquiries rely on linkages between process and form; each aspect, form or process, influences the other. Therefore, geomorphic process influences, and is in turn influenced by
Evaluation of the Company's Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Evaluation of the Company's Strategy - Essay Example The main objective of author of the study is not only to show the current strategic position of the company through strategic management analysis, but also would help in conducting environmental scanning, strategy formulation and implementation. This would help in understanding the changing market dynamics. The design of effective strategies for each line of business of the company would help in gaining competitive advantage over its competitors. The strategic evaluation of TESCO would also be done to help the managers assess the present organizational structure for error detection. Introduction: History TESCO is one of the leading supermarket retailer in United Kingdom (UK), and the fourth largest retailer in the world after Walmart, Carrefour and Home Depot. It is also one of the largest online grocery retailers in UK (Humby, Phillips and Hunt, 2008). Initially, Tesco specialized in food retailing but later it diversified into non food segments like clothing, electronic appliances, banking, insurance and telecommunications (TESCO Plc, 2013a). Present Situation of TESCO The company has a worldwide presence in China, India, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland and many other countries. TESCO employs 300,000 people and operates 3,000 stores worldwide. TESCO employs 300,000 people and operates 3,000 stores worldwide. The company operates 200 stores in UK itself and offers a varied range of food items. It is the leading brand of food retailing in UK followed by Everyday Value. Tesco has always believed that the strategy of the company needs to be revised as per the changing taste and preference of consumers. Tesco believes in improving the customer service by responding to the customer needs and wants. The stores are usually renovated from time to time, in order to give customers a warmer and refreshing feel in the stores. TESCO products are usually low priced and of better quality (TESCO Plc, 2013b). The company believes in undertaking environmental and soci al responsibilities. It publishes its corporate social responsibility charter every year (Dinkhoff, 2009). Analysis &Critical Evaluation of TESCO Strategic Positioning It is necessary to undertake a strategic analysis at an industry level and also analyze various strategies for targeted segments. A useful and purposeful framework, which will help in identifying the resources and capabilities that are required to operate within a particular market (Aker and McLoughlin, 2010). This framework helps in formulation of strategies that help the company in gaining competitive advantage over its competitors. Porter’s Five Forces Model The five forces framework model developed by Michael Porter is instrumental in determining the competitive intensity and attractiveness of an industry by the interaction of five competitive forces. Threat of new entrants: The UK retail industry is suffering from economic slowdown which is indirectly affected by the low consumer spending and decrease in t he demand of varied food and non food items. There has been limited entry of retail departmental stores in the UK retail
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Annual Report in Corporate America Today Research Paper
Annual Report in Corporate America Today - Research Paper Example Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) was established in the year 1929 after the Great Depression and market crash of 1929-1930. The SEC Act in 1934 was passed in order to meet the fears of the investors and encourage them to invest in the stocks again. In this scenario, companies started preparing annual reports. SEC filings contain only the financial part, but the annual report also includes the non-financial performance of the company. It describes the organizational structure and the other internal aspects of the company so that the investors and shareholders can get a transparent picture of the company. The annual report was a push for corporate accountability. Purpose Annual report is a powerful tool for the shareholders and the investors because the information available in the annual report gives them a complete picture regarding the financial and the financial condition of the company. present the true picture of the company in the external environment, so that the resu lts of the internal business functions are clear in front of the investors. In the turbulent economic situation, when most of the companies are becoming victims of insolvency, investors are apprehensive to take decisions. In such a situation it becomes important for a company to publish a detailed annual report. The significant amount of research studies have been conducted in the field of accounting information conveyed through the prices of securities of a company (Gonedes, and Dopuch, 1974). However, not much research studies have been undergone regarding the usefulness of financial statements for facilitating the decision-making process of investors of a company. In one of the research studies, it has been argued by Chang, Most, and Brain (1983) that the information that is present in the financial statements published by a company assist the investors for their investment decision purposes in a significant way. Merits and Demerits Annual report is an important document issued b y the company to reveal its financials at the end of the year. So this signifies that purpose of preparing the report is positive and for the advantage of the investors and shareholders. Moreover, there are lots of other information that play the significant role in analyzing the marketing aspect of the company such as the market share, position among the competitors, target customers of the company, etc. The report also includes a sustainability analysis of the company. Other than this, the community programs designed for delivering the social responsibility is also described with statistics, so that solid proof can be provided to the shareholders regarding the spending of the company.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Casuals by Steve Madden - summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Casuals by Steve Madden - summary - Essay Example This is one of the reasons as to why casuals came into the market. They ensure that the heel is folded into a flat when it is not needed (Simmons 1). SWOT Analysis The product has concentrated on several factors that have ensured it has actively and wholly penetrated the market. It has paid heed to its strengths in the fashion industry. The strengths include focus oriented approach for the customers, community and their employees. In relation to their employees, the company has ensured that they have the space to conduct their activities in the company. This ensures that they come with new strategies for the company, ensuring maximized profits (Simmons 1). They give back to the community as part of their corporate social responsibility and this augurs well with the community that surrounds them. As for their clients, they have created this classic yet comfortable lifestyle that many ladies have craved for in the fashion industry. The aspect of versatility and convenience is an added advantage as the shoe can be used for any occasion. This has led to the fact that many clients are aware of the shoes existence and they love it. One of the major weaknesses noted lies on the limited style ranges of the shoe. This is because of the limited capacity to incorporate different shoe ranges into the specific design in question. Another weakness is pegged on the fact that issues of access are limited to retail and online stores. This reduces the stores general revenue collected. The opportunities for the product lie in the broad market segment that is targeted by the product. The population of women who are looking for elegant style and comfort provide a wide array of potential consumers. The fact that the convertible shoe is new in the fashion industry creates the platform that many consumers will want to sample the new product in the fashion line. The innovation is threatened by competitors from other shoe companies. The companies are either adopting the same strategy or incorporating certain aspects and features that are giving the company a run for its money. The fashion industry is a very unpredictable industry (Kotler 12). The issue of economic and fashion trends are constantly hampering the way that the company plans to meet its set goals and objectives. These are the two threats to the creative innovation of elegant but stylish shoes that have been brought into the market. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning The product has segmented the market based on the concentrated marketing strategy. This is the strategy that ensures that each and every aspect of the market is segmented and dealt with. It has concentrated on women and their willingness to spend to access the product. This is based on demographic segmentation. The market has also segmented based on the ability to arouse the risk taking nature of many in the fashion industry. This forms the psychographic aspect of independent women who love to take risks at each and every point. The b enefit oriented segmentation approach is based on the women who know the benefits of wearing a heel at the right time and getting comfortable when they need to. This is without the excess baggage of carrying an additional pair of shoes. This segmentation works hand in hand with the geo demographic segmentation. This is the specific one that targets the specific women who are in the profile areas. They include the women in
Monday, September 23, 2019
FORBIDDEN FRUIT A story by Fazil Iskander Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
FORBIDDEN FRUIT A story by Fazil Iskander - Essay Example However one day, his sister accepts pork from Auntie Sonya and goes ahead to eat greedily as well as torture her brother Fazil by the way she eats in a tempting way. This result in Fazil’s decision to torture her as well; a plan which greatly backfires and lands Fazil the ‘perfect student’ in the wrong books of his father. Fazil begins the story with a brief exp[lanation of the muslim laws and what it forbids:eating of pork as well as drinking of alcohol.Whereas eating of pork was strictly forbidden;drinking of alcohol was allowed without any restraint. Fazil goes on to narrate about his encounters with pork and the way it made him salivate as well as burn with desire. He had endless and wild dreams, fantasies as well as imaginations about how it would feel like eating pork. Though he had several opportunities of tasting and even eating it; he never for once broke the rule. He enjoyed the sweetness of self denial which also helped him overcome the pangs of desire.Fazil usually felt morally superior to his friends and much enjoyed acting mysteriously. In their neighborhood; lived a nurse by the name of Sonya and they fondly called her Auntie Sonya. Auntie Sonya had lost her first husband in the civil war; but had been married once again by uncle Shura, whom Fazil loved very much. Fazil frequently visited their house and each time he was offered pork and refused. Thus;†they often ate pork and had offered it to me before, but I always firmly excused myself-which for some reason rather amused Uncle Shura.†This clearly shows that Fazil was very serious about his Muslim religion and would never dare violate it. One day, Fazil’s sister joined him and was offered pork. After feigning hesitation for a short moment, she accepted the sandwich and started eating it. Fazil almost choked on his own tea on seeing his sister eating the pork. Fazil’s sister enjoyed it very much and did not seem to mind if there was anything wrong with it. This on the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Academic debate Essay Example for Free
Academic debate Essay There has been considerable academic debate concerning the emergence and meaning of globalization with differing views ranging from those who believe that there has been no change to what already existed with previous trade and movement across nation states to those who believe that the consequences of globalization can be felt everywhere and that the sovereignty of nation states has been greatly diminished. It is argued by those such as Modelski that the world society today is global in direct contrast to all other historical societies and for David Held (1) globalization is about a significant transformation resulting in local communities linked to global actions (1). This paper does not delve into the debate about the theory of globalization, rather it focuses upon the infrastructure of the UN in terms of governance of world affairs. During his leadership as UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan sought to define a new role for the United Nations at the centre of ‘global governance’ (Held and McGrew 1). In response to the onset of globalization there are those, including Rosenau (8) who believe that a new complex multilateralism is evolving as a system of global governance. In the absence of a world government Rosenau (8) believes that the concept of global governance is the most apt description of the system that decides who rules and governs across the international community. This evolution has been made possible following a number of significant events over the past two decades. Firstly the end of the cold war opened up opportunities for new ways of governing at the global level. Secondly there was a massive increase in global issues such as the environment (for example climate change), health (for example the HIV / Aids epidemic) and consumerism that was affecting the way that world affairs were being run. These changes to global affairs has convinced the advocates of global governance that the traditional geopolitical management of global affairs with its hierarchical forms of management is unsuited to the challenges and tasks that are now emergent and that new forms of global governance need to be introduced. The common arguments against global governance include the inequalities of power between states, the structural privileging of the interests and agenda of global capital and the technocratic nature of the global policy process (Held and McGrew 13). In general there are three principle explanatory accounts of global governance: liberal institutionalist, realist and neo-Gramsic. Each attempt to explain how governance works beyond the national state but there are considerable differences in their epistemological frameworks which are a reflection of their interpretations of the social world as well as difference assumptions about world politics. Liberal institutionalism argues that governance beyond the state is endemic (Held and McGrew 12) because of the important benefits that global institutions can bring to individual nations, for example the functional benefits of a global health organization. Liberal institutionalists believe that international institutions ‘empower governments rather than shackle them’ (Keohane 13) . Realism finds that governance beyond the nation state depends upon the policy interests of the most powerful states, which means that the global institutions can have little autonomy or power as their function is primarily to advance the interests of those more powerful states (Held and McGrew 12) and thus the inequalities of power between the states is highlighted. Neo-gramsican theories share the bases of the realism theory however they consider the structural imperatives of globalizing capitalism as the key component. This theory states that the conduct of global governance is underpinned by the expansion of globalizing capital through the dominant forces, i. e. the US and therefore the global institutions are merely instruments to obtain this objective at the expense of the welfare and environment of the global communities. There is concern that the there is an insurmountable deficit within the current capacity of global governance to address the pressing global issues of poverty, health, environment, security and welfare. In practice this can imply a criticism of how the United Nations is structured and functionally operates, and essentially makes the presumption that the UN is ineffective (Luard 1). The United Nations Organization (UN) is an international organization that brings together 191 states in a voluntary forum to consider all affairs – such as security, living conditions, affecting the global population. The structure consists of the General Assembly, the Security Council, The Economic and Security Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, the Secretariat and the UN System (www. un. org) . This paper focuses on the operations of the UN System. The United Nations has a number of organizations formally within its system as ‘specialized agencies’ – although in reality they are largely autonomous from the central UN, for example the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNESCO. These specialized agencies are linked to the UN through cooperative agreements have wide-ranging international responsibilities in the economic, social, cultural, educational, health and related fields. Some of them, like the International Labour Organization and the Universal Postal Union, are older than the UN itself (www. un. org) . All these organizations have their own governing bodies, budgets and secretariats. Together with the United Nations, they are known as the UN family, or the UN system. Together, they provide technical assistance and other forms of practical help in virtually all economic and social areas. The reform of the UN is an issue of constant debate, although only the member states have the power to implement any changes so it must be driven through them. It can be argued then that the UN is not a global organization, rather it remains an inter-governmental organization as it can only develop so far as the member states will allow and they will always weigh development against their own self interest. However this reality is in comparison with the global expectation placed upon the UN and Bernhard (213) believes it is this contradiction in reality and expectation that causes the UN to over stretch itself. Bernhard (213) presents three scenarios for the future of the UN. Firstly that the UN system will weaken, and ultimately fail in the members states withdrew participation and secondly that the UN could develop as a sort of world government with the institutions forming a central coordinating role of the global governance process and ultimately leading to the loss of nation state autonomy. The third scenario seems more plausible, that the UN will remain as an imperfect instrument in need of reform but also an important global organization. This itself requires examination of a number of issues, namely whether it takes on a role as actor in its own right or continues to be held to member state autonomy. The leadership of Koffi Annan as the Secretary General has had some impact on the pace of UN reforms. At the Millennium Summit in 2000 he called for members states to reorganize the UN so that it could be better equipped to meet the challenges that globalization brings . However in practice the extent of the UN reform appears modest and Bernhard (214) makes the distinction between internal reforms of the UN’s by-laws which are easier to achieve than constitutional changes, which would require changes to the Charter. The complexity of the UN system doesn’t allow for reforms to be made easily. Every amendment needs a two-thirds majority in the General Assembly and the ratification of two thirds of the member states, including the five permanent members. Therefore the permanent members have a high level of strength and can block any reforms, although to be fair they would need the agreement of more than 120 UN members for their own projects to succeed (Bernhard 242). Koffi Annan (Bernhard 243) drew attention to the institutions of the UN being unfit for the present day purpose as they had been created for an inter-national rather than global world. The UN system has resulted in a tradition of decentralization, along with a steady growth of new agencies. It is this situation that draws critics to argue that there are overlaps and duplication of effort and irrational allocation of resources (Ziring 464). There is no world budget to deal with economic and social affairs and each UN agency are responsible for their own budgets and programmes, subject to the limitations of the collective will of their members. Ziring (464) argues that the Economic and Social Council has not fulfilled its central coordinating function, being mainly consigned to discussion and liaison and he makes the important statement that the most formidable barriers to improved functional co-operation between the agencies are in fact political and budgetary, not organizational. This would then mean that the UN reforms should be focused on gaining the collective political and economic will of member states rather than introducing organizational changes alone.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Role Of Social Media In Public Relations
The Role Of Social Media In Public Relations Technology in this age is putting a spin on how an organization establishes and cultivates an ongoing mutually beneficial relationship with its publics. Social media is an evolving, ever present catalyst in the communication realm of public relations. Public Relations in its earliest years, the era of Antiquity, acknowledged the importance of public opinion, but their scope was limited to an arms reach of their publics. Social media has become both a window and a bridge to the public relations practitioners, by enabling them to interconnect the internal objectives of the organization with the constant changing externalities. In the arena of public relations, an array of hats is essential to effectively carry the overall message of an organization into a stage of visible outcome. An organizations public relations department amongst many other tasks must build awareness, research and analyze public attitudes and perceptions, strategize, and implement crisis plans. Social media provides a way for organizations to do these things on a scale not known in earlier times when messages had to first bypass the filter of the media gatekeepers. As stated by Rupert Murdoch, Technology is shifting the power away from the editors, the publishers, the establishment, and the media elite. Now its the people who are in control (p. 1). Social media as defined by Wikipedia is an umbrella term for the various activities that integrate technology, and social interaction (p. 1). This includes internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, wikis, podcasts, pictures, and videos. Forrester, The Growth of Social Technology Adoption estimated in 2008, that 3 out of 4 Americans use social technology. It is this type of growth that makes it an inevitable, essential tool in creating a survivable existence. In the world of public relations, building awareness and brand reputation are cohesive. Social media is not only being used for its direct to audience approach, but also as an effective generator of media relations. Both awareness and reputation come on the tail of an organizations integrity. In order for an organization to build a positive reputation, it must nurture relationships. It is not science that viable relationships come from a foundation of trust. The trust that social media provides is authenticated by the fact that it allows for the relationship to be carried out in a two-way process. This type of communication permits an organization to truly listen to their publics needs and opinions, giving the organization an open opportunity to be actively responsive. Before social media, the standard press release into traditional industrial media was a shot in the dark towards reaching the true potential of interest. It is important to understand the many different branches to which an organization may utilize in building awareness and how. Through internet forums or social networking sites, such as MySpace, Facebook, and LinkedIn, to name a few, as well as blogs, make an organization able to centralize their audience. Instead of talking at the masses, they are able to talk with a selected tuned in, interested community. It is in these communities where a considerable buzz of web chatter stirred, enters the web world and reaches the eyes and mouths of influential mediums that were otherwise unlikely to be reached by just any Joe before. In social media, ideas can spread like a wild fire, through an effect called push and pull. According to Oden 2009, in the push aspect there is instigation of a new concept in social media situations, providing useful information and provoking discussions about it (p. 2). This creates an influence of pull which is the drive of traffic from people searching for more information. A common threaded resource between the push and pull theory is what is called Really Simple Syndication (RSS). RSS is a jeweled technology in the search and sift element of both public and media relations. On the side of the public relations, RSS is useful in recognizing content analysis, by keywords or concept references. This type of insight gives public relations a heads up into their competition and identifies their own strengths and weaknesses accordingly. On the side of media relations, journalists are able to receive content that is in relevance to their interests or beat. The research that takes place within the public relations department is essentially the bones of the overall success of an organization. It is a stage that is unending, and social media provides a platform for which information is delivered in real time format. Another dynamic of research affected by social media is the scale upon which surveys are able to be given. Not only do social media make it possible for samples to be gained on a global level, through certain software, presentations are part of digital exhibits and interactive sites record message resonation. Although, some may view this open door to the world mentality overwhelming, it is a way for an organization to see where their message may penetrate beyond their eyes conception. After the research, an organization must take all those pieces of information to organize, strategize, and implement into a plan. In the text Using Public Relations Research by Glen Broom and David Dozier (2009) Strategic planning is deciding where you want to be in the future and how to get there. It sets the organizations direction proactively, avoiding drift and routine repetition of activities. The quality of content is a core value in success, so developing a strategy that engages people is important. When formulating a strategy through social media the five Ws serve as an outline. Who are you trying to reach? What are you trying to accomplish? Where are these people online? When and how is the best time to reach them? Why will they care about what you have to say? In order to create a credible presence, the content must be consistent. Tactics that reinforce the strategy of an organizations power in the clutter of information is redundancy. Using multiple communication channels within social media, such as blogs and podcasts, fights entropy. Also, increasing the channels a message is delivered optimizes the search engine visibility. It is through search engine optimization that an organization leaves its footprints in the virtual world. However, these virtual footprints can have adverse affects in the light of a crisis. A constant flow of information circulating can lead to misinformation, and in turn misunderstanding (McLintic 2009). A good crisis management plan must involve actively monitoring the web for any content that could be damaging to the organizations image and reputation. Social media gives organizations a way to be transparent in their management. With a constant flow of communication between an organization and its public, it is much easier to indentify and diffuse a small problem that couldve escalated to a bigger one (Hall 2009). As with any situation, it is ideal to be proactive rather than reactive in nature. There are certain methods of preparation that can greatly change the outcome of a crisis. Through anticipation, an organization can take a front line approach to crisis planning. One way that a crisis can be redirected, is by the purchase of generic crisis terms that ensure search engine positioning of the public to landing pages set in place to address issues, before they link to others that could possibly reinforce negativity. Before venturing off deep into the social media dimension, it is a good idea to benchmark the current position of the organization, so that there is a clear start of measure on the ROI. A few simple markers Chris Lake suggests in his article 10 Ways to Measure Social Media Success would be to make a note of the obvious numbers, (facebook fans, twitter followers, dig links, etc). Make a note of the less obvious benchmarks, (SEO rankings, customer satisfaction scores). Make a note of ROI benchmarks, such as how much is being paid to acquire customers via other marketing channels. However, reality is, social media humanizes a process that was once broken down so analytically. In order to measure the success of social media, you must come to the realization that there is no true assessment by which impact can be calculated. Although, it should not go without saying that it stands as an effective means to communicate to millions, far below the cost of any other form of media. The relationship it assists in building is priceless, and retention is a pretty effective bottom line tool of evaluation. In every new media there has been resistance to change. As a product of generation Y, I have been witness to the crossover over in media convergence, and I see a world of possibilities as it evolves. In the world of PR, I feel social media is an undeniable asset to an organizations ability to connect in ways that attributes to immeasurable value in what they strive to represent and stand for. Social media is a hub to the PR obligations. To underestimate its power to redefine and shift the foundation, by which PR once stood upon as news beggars, is to remain oblivious to the treasure bestowed at our fingertips.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Development Of Tourism In Malaysia Tourism Essay
The Development Of Tourism In Malaysia Tourism Essay Tourism is defined as the travel for recreational, leisure or business (Wikipedia).These people who travel are known as tourists, back in 1936 the League Of Nations (LON) defined Tourist as someone traveling abroad for at least twenty-four hours. However, the United Nations rectified this definition in 1945, by adding a maximum stay of six months on the former definition. Tourism is one of the worlds largest industries and one of its fastest growing economic sectors. It has battalion of effects, both positive and negative, on peoples lives and on the environment. For the past few decades, tourism has been growing very fast and according to the forecasts its going to be even faster in Asia and the pacific being the main continents which are promising to be the most important tourism destination of the world by 2020 because of its cultural heritage meaning that Pacific- Asia is the birth place of all the religions. The question would be, what does the religion have to do with tourism? Well one of the main significants of tourism industry is to see and learn other peoples culture from different parts of the world, which therefore gives an extra credit to Pacific- Asia. Domestically cultural heritage stimulates national pride in ones history whilst internationally it stimulates respect and understanding of other cultures. Tourism is made up of different forms; these forms are classified by typical features of spending time in the destination. Domestic tourism- is the traveling of people within the country inbound tourism this is when non- resident traveling within the country outbound tourism involves residents visiting another country internal tourism basically a combination of inbound and outbound tourism national tourism involves the combination of domestic and outbound tourism Malaysia in brief Ever since independence in 1957, Malaysia has been a country of a progressive multi racial society. The political system is based on parliamentary constitutional monarchy with a Federal Government structure, comprising 14 states. The constitution and parliamentary system is almost similar to the British Westminster model, except the members of Local Governments are appointed by the ruling parties at Federal and State levels. The location of both Peninsular Malaysia, and Sabah and Sarawak (in Borneo) lies entirely in the equatorial zone. The climate is governed by the regime of the north-east and south-west monsoons which blow alternately during the course of the year. The average temperature throughout the year is 26 °C with diurnal temperature range is about 7 °C. Annual rainfall is about 2500 mm with high humidity (80%) due to the high temperature and rate of evaporation. In the year 2000 the population was around 22 million. Under the Malaysia constitution, travel and tourism are concurrent matters in which both the Federal and State Government have responsibilities. However under the Ministry there is an agency which is directly in charge of promoting tourism in Malaysia. The agency is known as the Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board (MTPB), which was formerly known as the Tourist Development Cooperation of Malaysia (TDC) which will be touched on later in this article. Tourism development in Malaysia Lying just north of the equator, with more than one thousand islands found there, not forgetting the marine parks and rainforests all filled with beautiful birds and wildlife. It is in this country again where people talk about golden beaches, ever green vegetation, mountains and unforgettable shopping malls. All these can only be found in Malaysia; in general this country is a fascinating place to be. According to the Department of Wildlife and National Parks Malaysia, before 1970 tourism was just an idle, it was not regarded as an important economic activity. It all then started in the 70s when the old Tourism Department of 1959 was developed or redefined to Tourism Development Corporation (TDC). It was officially formed in 1972 under the Ministry of Trade Industry (MITI) and was given a responsibility of acting as an authority development but with very low precedence therefore tourism sector did not really develop in Malaysia comparing it with other countries like Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand. It was during this same year when Malaysian Airlines was formed too, this took the countrys economy by surprise a combination of MA and TDC led to the world tourism map. However, in the 80s the industry started increasing rapidly because of certain changes that took place in Malaysia, the increase of personal income, leisure time, and improvement in international transportation system s and finally the greater public awareness of other parts of the world due to the improvement in communications. The above mentioned developments gave a clear view to the Malaysian government that Tourism can play a big role in its economy and social development so as a result; it decided to promise to accomplish a series of positive initiatives to stimulate the development of the tourism sector. These include the following: (a) The government established the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (which became the Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism in 1990). This provided an institutional framework for the planning, coordination, and regulation of tourism and for the first time tourism was accounted for within the framework of recognized economic activities; (b) By virtue of the Tourism Industry Act of 1992 and the Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board Act of 1992, the new Ministry of Culture, Arts and Tourism took over from TOC the function of formulation and implementation of policies, licensing and enforcement aspects of the tourism industry. TOC thereafter became known as the Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board (or Tourism Malaysia for short), with a role concentrated on marketing and promotion; (c) The Investment Incentives Act was revised in 1986 to include the tourism sector, thereby giving additional stimulus to tourism investment, such as the Pioneer Status Investment Tax Allowance, Industrial Building Allowances, and tax exemption for large foreign group tours; (d)The Investment Incentives Act was revised in 1986 to include the tourism sector, thereby giving additional stimulus to tourism investment, such as the Pioneer Status Investment Tax Allowance, Industrial Building Allowances, and tax exemption for large foreign group tours; In 1990, the federal government set up a Ringgit Malaysia (RM) 120 million special fund for tourism to stimulate its development, including small and medium scale enterprise. Malaysias government is now focusing more than ever on its Tourism Industry for example through developing its tourists attraction like developing the island destinations. In addition Tourism is the second foreign exchange earner in Malaysia after manufacturing so the government does its best to stimulate this. Moreover in 2006 Malaysia was voted one of the top five popular outbound destinations out of hundred countries. Malaysias reputation for tourism has been growing in the last years, travelers look for more beachfront resorts; they are turning to Malaysias beautiful coast. However thats not the only way tourism is growing. Malaysia has become a hot destination for medical tourists in South East Asia, tourists seeking for cheaper prices on medicals, treatments, and drugs. Moreover, countries like Malaysia are beginning to protect their cultural heritage in order to increase tourism to traditional festivals and celebrations. Tourism in Malaysia can be divided into different sub sections which perform various activities but under the umbrella of the same tourism. Tourism activities can be divided into : Education tourism: Malaysia school atmosphere is well known for its uniqueness and social interaction of different groups, as the number of institutions increase due to the help of foreign colleges and universities so did the foundation of the tourism industry. Curently over 50 000 foreign students are in Malaysia. In addition, this type of industry is not aiming to target students only but also their families for example when they come to visit their children then that means they will also get an opportunity to spend their holidays touring around Malaysia. Medical tourism : health tourism existed long before during the eighteenth century. This tourism is associated with the following, spas, places with health-giving mineral waters, treating diseases from gout to liver disorders and bronchitis. Doctors have highlighted the benefits of bathing in sea water, and sea bathing, even this has become a part of health tourism. In Malaysia it was firstly introduced in 1999, known as the Medical Health Sector. It has become popular for its safe and mostly affordable medicine which therefore has attracted so many people around the world. Tourism at the Festival: The calendar of Malaysia is made up of a number of festivals. Hari Raya Puasa is a Muslim feast to celebrate the ending of the holy month of Ramadan. The Festival of San Pedro occurs in mid summer on June 25th. This festival is a celebration of fishing and the great role fishing has place in Malaysian culture. The fishing boats are decorated in brilliant colors and then blessed and a prayer said for a better year of fishing in the year to come. In August and September, Malaysians celebrate the Chinese Mooncake Festival, commemorating the defeat of the Mongols in the fourteenth century. On the evening of the festival, celebrants pour out into the streets to watch a beautiful procession of colored lanterns. The other delight of the festival is the mooncake itself, a sweet round cake of nut paste, red beans, and egg yolk. From such diverse traditions, the Malaysians throw celebrations that draw tourists from all over the world ( Adventure and Beach tourism: The worlds most attractive beaches are found in the south east of Asia. Beaches in Malaysia attract so many tourists because of its soft powdery sand and sun; however the jet-skiing and the excursions in banana boats also play a big role in drawing the tension of tourists. Adventure tourism involves Malaysias wild jungles, volcanic peaks and national parks. For example Taman Negara, chasing orangutans near Sabah and Sarawak on Borneo or searching out Malaysias very own legendary Bigfoot in Endau-Rompin National Park ( Stakeholder analysis Firstly stakeholders mean any individual or group who has interest in a program and they can have either positive or negative impacts on the companys oor organisations actions. Stakeholders can be devided into three types which are , primary stakeholders secondary stakeholders and key stakeholders.  Primary stakeholders are those who are extremely affected, either positively or negatively by the organizations actions. Secondary stakeholders are the intermediaries; these are the people who are indirectly affected by organizations actions. Key stakeholders can belong to the above mentioned two types of stakeholders, there are very important within an organization. The stakeholder analysis given below provides a generic overview of the possible stakeholders in Tourism industry. Service providers Service providers encompass a group of diverse stakeholders engaged in public or private market-oriented activities of service provision. These include travel agency which acts as a business, that sells travel related products and services to customers, suppliers such as providers and companies involved in transport and communication for example, airlines, car rentals, cruise lines, hotels, railways, sightseeing tours and package holidays. In addition the travel agent is supposed to be biased free when giving an advice of traveling to the tourists. Moreover traveling agency which indirectly has an impact in all the above mentioned services provider can help drive tourism industry forward by adopting good environment and hospitality practices, innovation and encouraging political representatives to support the development of industry. Non-gorvernmental organizations These organizations provide information and raise awareness. They also often advise the industry on the use of the environment and suport it for example through, financiing and institutions. Developers and investors Developers and investors from either the private or public sectors may initiate the development of the industry. The decision of developers and investors to introduce systems for the safe use of environment often tightly related to the sustainability entire progams Financial institutions The introduction of new infrastructure generally requires that the investment and operation costs be secured. Research institutions These may be universities or other research-oriented institutions or organizations that can provide evidence and advice to program initiators, developers, municipalities and non-governmental organizations. 9 International organizations International organizations can ensure that external funds for tourism are bundled with appropriate environmental promotion and environment marketing activities; encourage governments to consider appropriate cheaper and more sustainable services; finance local tourism research; develop guidance and tools for facilitation good practice; disseminate information; actively endorse the idea of flexible technical norms and standards to allow for innovation and finally to facilitate safe use and resource efficiency. PEST Analysis
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Communication Accomodation Theory Essay -- Communication
The Communication Accommodation Theory states when people interact they alter their speech to fit in or accommodate for other. CAT describes the psychological, social, and linguistic behaviors that people exhibit when communicating with each other (Coupland, Coupland, Giles, Henwood, 1988). Each individual has his or her own personality and motivation when involved in a conversation, this attribute are reflected in how the individual speaks, listens and then responds to the other person involved in the conversation. According to this theory, communication between two people can at any time be adjusted by either party in response to actual, perceived, or stereotyped expectations of the other person (Coupland, et al., 1988). This means that either party can change their communication style based on what they feel or pick up on during the conversation. The CAT theory can help understand how humans interact with one another while communicating. CAT is based on the premise that speakers and listeners unconsciously and mutually modify their linguistic (e.g., language choice, vocabulary) and/or paralinguistic (e.g., dialect, tone of voice, speech rate) behaviors to become more similar to (convergence) or different from (divergence) their interactional partners (Giles, Mulac, Bradac, & Johnson, 1987). Convergence strategies signal interactants' positive attitudes toward each other, such as increasing attractiveness and approval or showing solidarity, whereas divergence strategies accentuate differences between interactants (Giles et al., 1987). CAT is based on the idea that people with unknowingly modify their language to become more similar or from the person they are communicating with. Convergence usually occurs when the sp... ....), Language and social psychology. (pp.45-65) Hordila - Vatamanescu, E., & Pana, A. (2010). The Application of the Communication Accommodation Theory to Virtual Communities: A Preliminary Research on the Online Identities. International Journal Of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 5(4), 279-290. Jones, E., Gallois, C., Callan, V., & Barker, M. (1999). Strategies of accommodation: development of a coding system for conversational interaction. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 18(2), 123-152. Krippendorff, Klaus (2004). Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Myers, P., Giles, H., Reid, S. A., & Nabi, R. L. (2008). Law Enforcement Encounters: The Effects of Officer Accommodativeness and Crime Severity on Interpersonal Attributions are mediated by Intergroup Sensitivity. Communication Studies, 59(4), 291-305.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Andy and Larry Wachowskis Film, The Matrix :: essays papers
Andy and Larry Wachowski's Film, The Matrix Have you ever had a dream that you thought was so real? Well, what if you never woke up? How would you determine the difference between the real world and the dream world (Matrix,1999)? Some people in this world live their lives knowing that something is wrong. They can feel it in everything they do. They can feel it when they stare out a window or go to work or even when they pay their taxes (Matrix,1999). This feeling which these individuals are experiencing comes from the matrix. What is the matrix? The matrix is an artificial world, which has been pulled over to blind us from the truth, that we are slaves (Matrix,1999). We are trapped in a prison for our minds (Matrix,1999). We will never really get to feel, touch, or see anything for ourselves, except objects created through the matrix. Early in the 21st century, humans joined in celebration in the creation of artificial intelligence (Matrix,1999). Throughout our lives we have depended on machinery to survive. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony (Matrix,1999). The human body gives off as much bioelectricity as a 120 volt battery or as much as 25000 b.t.u.’s of body heat (Matrix,1999). Artificial intelligence depends on solar energy in order to survive, so our human race decided to scorch the earth, therefore blocking the sun’s rays (Matrix,1999). This attempt failed and we were taken over by robots. The matrix was soon after created by artificial intelligence as a computer-generated world made for us to live out our lives while it uses the natural energy given off from our bodies for its survival in the real world (Matrix,1999). Humans are grown in fields like crops, some never even able to be inserted into the matrix. Babies are randomly picked out by the working robotic hands to fill the spots of the dead. Right now, our real bodies are being stored in capsule-like bubbles where we are plugged into the matrix. These plugs are connected throughout our entire spine and other various parts of the body. The main connection is in the back of our necks, leading to the brain, where the matrix controls our minds by ensuring all five senses. When the matrix was first created, a man was given the power to change anything he wanted in it (Matrix,1999).
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Scale Effects Development and the Flattening of the Globe
Economic growth can be viewed from two angles. For many decades, economists had put primary importance on factor endowments, good economic policies, and democratic institutions, as the main determinants of economic development. Some economists though refused to accept the hypothesis which states that â€Å"economic development is the only measure of institutional efficiency and real potential growth. They argued that some variables, like climate and geography, can have significant bearing on the developmental course of a country (hence, the term â€Å"scale effects development†is used to describe the degree or extent of regional variables used as a measure of economic growth). Hence, it is possible that these variables actually dictate the general framework of the economic policies of a country. Alternative Hypotheses Masters and McMillan (2001) tested this hypothesis by looking at a sample of 90 rich and poor countries. The authors concluded that one factor differentiating developed countries from poor ones is the frequency of winter frosts. Winter frosts reduce borne diseases and kill plant parasites. Frosts also allow agricultural lands to experience a seasonal buildup of organic matter, leading to rich, fertile topsoil. In short, frosts boost economic development Acemoglu et al (2001) argued that countries with low mortality rates experienced economic development. Investigating a variety of 17th to 19th century European colonial strategies, the author found that where settler mortality was low, because geography and climate were conducive to health, Europeans moved in and established good institutions. Places where settler mortality was high, because of bad geography and diseases, Europeans stayed away and created bad institutions. Whether the institutions are good and bad, it was noted that geography and climate has a significant bearing on the pattern of world distribution of income. Countries with good institutions (as a result of good geography) have high levels of income; those with bad institutions (as a result of bad geography) have low levels of income. International Trade, Resource Availability and Land Use International trade has resulted to the smoothing of economic transactions among countries with different socio-politico-economic systems. This ‘smoothing’ process can be seen as the overall end of the modernization process. Modernization requires the removal of trade barriers, privatization of government corporations, and most importantly, the establishment of an efficient resource base. Modernization can be an effective mode for economic development if all countries adopt its basic principles. In addition, the platform of modernization only works if the factor endowments of a particular country (land an, capital, and labor) are utilized efficiently and exchanged to other countries (comparative advantage). In short, modernization as a process makes the economic world smaller and vulnerable to market fluctuations. The World is Flat Friedman (2005) recounts a journey to Bangalore, India, after he realized globalization has changed core economic concepts. He suggests the world is â€Å"flat†in the sense that globalization has leveled the competitive playing fields between industrial and emerging market countries (in terms of income and comparative advantage). In his opinion, this flattening is a product of a convergence of world economic integration and scale effects development. He termed this period as Globalization 3. 0, differentiating this period from the previous Globalization 1. 0 (which countries and governments were the main mechanisms for growth and development) and the Globalization 2. 0 (which multinational companies led the way in driving global integration).
Monday, September 16, 2019
A Well Balanced Diet Health And Social Care Essay
Chapter 1IntroductionA well balanced diet is a cardinal component for healthier life. A sound wellness may merely be guaranteed when the diet consumed by human being would cover all the obligatory foods but in balanced measure ( Geil and Anderson, 1994 ; Bazzano et al. , 2001 ; Wahlqvist, 2001 ; Anderson and Major, 2002 ; Venn and Mann, 2004 ) . The human diet comprising of all indispensable foods like H2O, saccharides, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, is considered as balanced ( Potter and Hotchkiss, 1997 ) . Along with the other indispensable foods, protein is the critical particularly in instance of kids, for their proper growing and development. Proteins are indispensable for the endurance of life as it is imperative for the growing and fix of musculuss, castanetss, tegument, sinews, ligaments, hair, eyes and other tissues ( Lieberman et al. , 2009 ) . The benefits of protein enriched diet can ne'er be concealed. Taking such diet is of import to battle against infections and diseases as it facilitates to bring forth antibodies to trip our immune system ( Alexander et al. , 1998 ) . It is suggested to devour high protein diet for early recovery from hurts. Protein is besides helpful in blood curdling and fixs ( Friedman, 1996 ; Alexander et al. , 1998 ) . The mean day-to-day protein intake for a normal human person should be 56-80 g/ twenty-four hours ( 0.8 g/kg organic structure weight/day ) , while for babies it should be 2-3 g/kg organic structure weight and kids require excess 4-5 g proteins daily for their healthy growing and development ( Sun et al. , 1999 ; Awan, 2007 ) . Malnutrition due to protein lack is an approaching flagitious quandary for the multitudes whose basic diet is chiefly comprised of cereals and other starchy nutrients. Several studies on nutritionary appraisal every bit good as nutrient balanced sheets in Pakistan have pointed toward the happening of changing grade of protein lack in some open groups of the population, due to the consumption of low quality and measure of protein ( GOP, 2008 ) . The people devouring protein lacking diets can be suffered from many upsets like chest malignant neoplastic disease, colon malignant neoplastic disease, bosom disease and osteoporosis. Kwashiorkor and Marasmus are reported as the major diseases due to the protein lack and malnutrition in 3rd universe states. Marasmus causes loss of fats, muscular strength and every bit good as of digestion capacity ( Alam et al. , 2003 ) . On the other manus, Kwashiorkor normally manifests with hydrops, alterations in hair and clamber coloring material, anaemia, megalohepatia, lassitude, terrible immune lack and early decease ( Bhan et al. , 2003 ) . These diseases are largely found in babies holding diet deficient in protein or due to the consumption of lower quality of protein ( Barker, 2002 ) . Protein-energy malnutrition besides favors the pathogenesis during famishment ( Reilly, 2002 ) . Therefore detecting the benefits of protein in the diet, the ingestion of protein enriched nutrient is of current involvement of consumers to achieve quality nutrient. Good quality proteins have a important impact to run into nutritionary demands of the fast turning population in the development and under developed states including Pakistan. The scientists have made assorted efforts to better protein contents and quality of basic nutrient ( wheat for Pakistani public ) through different agencies. The increased costs and limited supplies of carnal proteins, have geared the contemporary research attempts towards the survey of nutrient belongingss and possible use of protein from locally available nutrient harvests, particularly from under-utilized or comparatively ignored high protein oil-rich seeds and leguminous plants ( Enujiugha and Ayodele-Oni, 2003 ) . Pakistani population utilizes wheat flour and its merchandises as their basic nutrient with an mean consumption of 318 g/person/day which contributes about 45 per centum of the entire energy consumption ( Akhatar et al. , 2009 ) . But wheat is unable to provide the balanced proteins as it is lacking with indispensable amino acids like lysine ( Rehman et al. , 2001 ) . On other manus leguminous plant grains and beans are rich in lysine and therefore the incorporation of these possible beginnings of balanced proteins into the wheat flour for the production of high protein merchandises like bars, biscuits and even chapatis can non merely promote the protein quality but besides heighten the mineral contents and their handiness ( Bressani, 1993 ) . Grain leguminous plants are renowned as of import beginnings of nutrient and provender proteins, besides called as ‘the hapless adult male ‘s meat ‘ . In many states, leguminous plant seeds are considered as the separating beginning of protein in the diet ( Marcello and Cristina, 1997 ) . Besides the leguminous plant proteins contain important sum of lysine which an indispensable amino acid, but on contrary, most of the cereals are missing with lysine ( Alobo, 2001 ) . In add-on to nutritionally of import, the leguminous plants are besides being recognized as holding curative and remedial belongingss such as hypoglycaemic and hypocholesterolemic properties ( Shahzadi et al. , 2007 ) . Nutritionists around the universe suggest that the pulsations ( grain legumes ) like garbanzo and beans should be incorporated in the day-to-day diet to take down down the glycaemic index and to accomplish a scope of other wellness benefits ( Muzquiz and Wood, 2007 ) . Gram, besides named as Chickpea ( Cicer arietinum L. ) , is one of the oldest and the widely consumed leguminous plants in the universe, peculiarly in tropical and semitropical countries ( Singh et al. , 1991 ) . The flour of decorticated gm seeds is used in several dishes and as a addendum in ablactating nutrient mixes, staff of life and biscuits ( Bau et al. , 1997 ) . Gram is rich in protein and low in fat which is largely of polyunsaturated nature ( Singh et al. , 1992 ) . Grams besides contain important sums of dietetic fibre and hence they prove as a healthy beginning of saccharides for individuals with insulin sensitiveness or diabetes. Chickpeas contain about 23 per centum protein, 64 per centum entire saccharides ( 47 per centum amylum, 6 per centum soluble sugar ) , 5 per centum fat, 6 per centum petroleum fibre, 3 per centum ash and high mineral content ( Champ, 2001 ; Boye et al. , 2009 ) . The incorporation of protein-rich leguminous plant flours such as gram flour in bakeshop merchandises like staff of life and biscuits can achieve the end of protein enrichment ( Patel and Rao, 1996 ; Singh et al. , 1996 ; Gandhi et al. , 2001 ; Sharma and Chauhan, 2002 ) . These composite flours have proven many practical utilizations and are being employed in different parts of the Earth to heighten the nutritionary and functional belongingss of flour ( Shahzadi et al. , 2005 ) . In modern states the composite flour engineering is extensively used to manufacture different types of adust and extruded merchandises. Among processed bakeshop merchandises, biscuits grasp big popularity in rural every bit good as in urban countries among all the age groups ( Agrawal, 1990 ) . The term biscuit was derived from the Latin word biscoctus, intending twice cooked ( Macrae et al. , 1993 ) . By and large the word biscuit is used in European states and the term cookies in the USA. Biscuits are popular grocery, consumed by a broad scope of populations, due to their pleasant gustatory sensation, prolonged shelf life and easy handiness at reasonably low cost ( Gandhi et al. , 2001 ) . Cookies are of import nutrient militias for people engaged in geographic expeditions and risky ocean trips, in war and other catastrophes ( Mlaik and Sheikh, 1976 ) . Because of the competition in the market and increased demand for healthy, recognized and well-designed merchandises, efforts are being made to progress the alimentary value and functionality of biscuits by seting their alimentary composing. Such properties can be achieved by increasing the ratios of wholegrain natural stuffs or different types of dietetic fibres, other than wheat, leguminous plants and pulsations, in the basic formulas of biscuits with the effort to raise protein quality and content, mineral content and their handiness ( Hooda and Jood, 2005 ; Tyagi et Al 2006 ) . Supplemented biscuits made from different low priced beginnings such as leguminous plants or pulsations flour along with wheat flour, are expected to battle with several lacks such as the hapless quality and lesser handiness of protein encountered in the natural wheat flour biscuits ( Akubor, 2003 ) . The high alimentary cookies can be prepared from composite flours such as wheat flour fortified with soy, cottonseed, pulsations, peanut, mustard or maize sources flour ( Tsen, 2006 ) . Protein giving ingredient for biscuits should hold pleasant spirit, low H2O soaking up capacity and high protein efficiency ratio ( PER ) . It should neither negatively affect the spread ratio and texture ( i.e. , brittleness ) nor cause any significant alteration in the dough consistence, snap and desirable baking reactions ( Lorenz, 1983 ) . The challenge of choosing the best suitable protein beginning has geared bakery industry to research such ingredients which impart desirable nutritionary and functional features to the baked merchandises ( Tyagi et al. , 2006 ) . Keeping in position the importance of protein enriched diet, present undertaking was designed to accomplish the undermentioned aims: To fix protein enriched cookies by utilizing gram flour To measure nutritionary and chemical belongingss of protein enriched cookiesChapter 2REVIEW OF LITERATUREEvery new research and scientific survey demands to take a expression into the old work done in the relevant field. So, the earlier surveies upon protein enriched bakeshop merchandises showed that the incorporation of flour obtained from grain leguminous plants and pulsations into the bakeshop points particularly in cookies, non merely better the protein contents but besides the overall acceptableness of the merchandise. The available literature related to current survey has been presented under the undermentioned header: Cookies and Biscuits at a Glance Enrichment of Protein in Cookies Significance of Gram and its flour Cookies Prepared by utilizing Gram flour Biological Evaluation of Cookies AssortedCookies and Biscuits at a GlanceBiscuits and cookies represent the taking class of snack points among adust nutrients all over the universe ( Pratima and Yadava, 2000 ) . They are normally thought as a beginning of pleasance and joy but non a important nutrient merchandise in footings of nutrition. The name cooky is originated from the Dutch word koekje, intending â€Å" little or small bar †while, the term Biscuit comes from the Latin word Bi coctum, significance, â€Å" twice baked †( Macrae et al. , 1993 ) . Harmonizing to culinary historiographers, biscuits or cookies started out long ago, non as a dainty or a comfort nutrient, but as an oven temperature regulator. A little sum of bar hitter was baked to modulate the oven temperature termed as trial bar, subsequently on formed the base of modern cookies ( Davidson, 1999 ) . Commercially available simple cookies are made from white patent flour or heterosexual graded flour which is nutritionally inferior to whole wheat flour ( Elahi, 1997 ) . Simple wheat flour based biscuits contains 7 to 12 per centum proteins, 60 to 65 per centum saccharides, 22 to 26 per centum fat, 1 to 3 per centum petroleum fibre and 1.5 to 2.5 per centum minerals ( Hooda and Jood, 2005 ) . While in some other experiment seven different assortments of biscuits were analyzed for proximate analysis. It was shown that entire sugar varied from 17.26 to 40.42 per centum, protein contents were in the scope of 5.46 to 8.9 per centum, entire fats in biscuits were 24.6 to 28.9 per centum and minerals including Na, K, Fe and Ca ranged between 800-4950 mg/kg, 450-1720 mg/kg, 38-230 mg/kg and 120-1800 mg/kg, severally. However, Cu, manganese and Zn were calculated as 1-7 mg/kg, 3.5-10.4 mg/kg and 8.2-25.5 mg/kg severally ( Semwal et al. , 1996 ) . Fe and Mn contents in cookies were evaluated by Sebecic ( 2002 ) . Consequences of that survey showed that Fe contents in seven analyzed biscuits ranged from 9.32 to 24.80 mg/kg while Mn contents range from 3.76 to 16.37 mg/kg. On the other manus the vitamin contents in cooky flours were reported as 0.203 to 0.228 mg/100g for vitamin B1, 1.037 to 0.048 mg/100g for vitamin B2 and 1.17 to 1.42 mg/100g for nicotinic acid ( Keagy et al. , 1980 ) . In another experiment, it was concluded that the Zn and cuppa contents in wheat flour biscuits scopes from 5.89-17.64 mg/kg and 1.15-2.79 mg/kg, severally depending upon the type of wheat milling merchandises ( Sebecic and Dragojevic, 2004 ) . While textural surveies of different cookies showed that the cooky diameter is a map of spread rate and set clip. Cookies produced with soft wheat flour were significantly larger in diameter ( 184 millimeter ) than those made with difficult flour ( 161 millimeter ) . Similarly, cookies manufactured by soft wheat flour set subsequently ( 5.8 proceedingss ) during baking than those produced with difficult wheat flours. It was concluded that these differences in diameters and puting clip appeared to be affected by flour protein content ( Miller and Hoseney, 1997 ) .Enrichment of Protein in CookiesCookies or biscuits are the important among the bakeshop points. These are liked by all the age groups as a beginning of pleasance and energy. However, these are most normally appreciated by the school traveling kids who need more energy and proteins per unit organic structure weight than an grownup ( Shahzad et al. , 2006 ) . Keeping in position their drawn-out life and handiness they can be e nriched with protein, normally from pulsations flour and used for particular eating programmes ( Manley, 1998 ) . The construct of utilizing composite flour for the intent of protein enrichment is non new and has been the topic of legion surveies. An extended reappraisal reported that the bakeshop points can be manufactured with every bit much as 10 to 30 per centum rice flour, 5 to 20 per centum cereal grains and root flours, or with 3 to 15 per centum of other proteinaceous flours ( Fellers and Bean, 1988 ) . It was besides observed that the usage of composite flours is a much better tool to utilize in biscuits than in staff of lifes due to their ready to eat signifier, broad ingestion, longer shelf life and good feeding quality ( Tsen et al. , 2006 ) . Several efforts have been carried out to fix protein enriched cookies by utilizing different beginnings of protein. In an experiment, defatted wheat source ( DFWG ) flour was used for the readying of protein enriched cookies and it was estimated that the petroleum protein ( 28.9 per centum ) , rough fiber ( 5.35 per centum ) , ash ( 4.52 per centum ) and mineral content were higher in the cookies prepared from DFWG flour as compared to wheat flour cookies ( Arshad et al. , 2006 ) . Similarly the permutation of pigeon-pea flour up to the degree of 50 per centum in the preparation of biscuits significantly increased the protein and mineral contents ( Harinder et al. , 1999 ) . Due to the incorporation of mustard flour, the protein contents of biscuits were 2.5 times increased coupled with lessening in fat and an addition in fiber content ( Tyagi et al. , 2006 ) . Nutritional features of high protein cookies prepared from defatted soy flour ( 50 % , patent flour footing ) and insignificant butter ( 40 % , patent flour footing ) were examined by different research workers. It was highlighted that the protein and mineral contents were significantly improved in high protein cookies than those of control ( Ranhotra et al. , 1980 ) . Another effort was proved to be successful for the fabrication of protein enriched biscuits made from land linseed. It was observed that the protein contents increased from 6.50 per centum to 8.52 per centum, fat contents increased from 26.13 per centum to 31.45 per centum, fiber contents elevated from 0.15 per centum to 3.78 per centum and ash contents were besides increased from 0.26 per centum to 1.00 per centum ( Nisa, 2000 ) . Similarly, the public presentation of soya bean and maize flour blends with their functional properties, were evaluated for the production of high protein cookies. In that survey it was concluded that the degree of foods increased with the addition of soybean flour in the blends. The protein contents of the composite flour cookies increased from 10.2 per centum in the 100 per centum corn cookies to 28.3 per centum for the 60 per centum soya bean permutation ( Akubor and Onimawo, 2003 ) . Similarly the supplementation of soy and kinema flours into heterosexual graded flour was carried out for the production of cookies. It was described that the protein contents were more than 17 per centum than those of control ( Shrestha and Noomhorm, 2002 ) . Assorted research workers replaced wheat flour ( WHF ) with defatted fluted Cucurbita pepo ( Telfairia occidentalis Hook ) seed flour ( FPF ) at degrees of 0 to 25 per centum which significantly affected the chemical, physical, centripetal and nutritionary belongingss of cookies. There was an addition of 84.6 per centum in petroleum protein, 62.9 per centum in Ca, 131.0 per centum in K and 61.6 per centum in phosphorus contents of composite cookies ( Giami et al. , 2005 ) . When the cookies made from the blends incorporating different proportions ( 0 % , 5 % , 10 % , 15 % and 20 % ) of natural, besotted and germinated Greek clover seed flour were evaluated it was found that the add-on of natural, besotted and germinated Greek clover flour to wheat flour increased the contents of protein ( 10.5 % , 10.4 % and 11.0 % ) , lysine ( 2.15, 2.20 and 2.25 g/100 g protein ) , dietetic fiber ( 12.7 % , 11.3 % and 10.9 % ) , entire Ca ( 58.3, 57.1 and 57.7 mg/100 g ) and entire Fe ( 7.40, 7.26 and 7.36 mg/100 g ) at 10 percent degree of permutation ( Hooda and Jood, 2005 ) . Enrichment of protein in cookies can besides be done by utilizing stabilised rice bran up to 30 per centum degree of replacing. This pattern can besides heighten protein efficiency ratio. A consumer trial showed 100 per centum acceptableness of rice bran protein enriched cookies among the kids holding ages 4 to 7 old ages ( Sangronis and Sancio, 1990 ) . Similarly the high protein biscuits were prepared from rice bran and flours. Probe of that protein enriched cookies revealed that the protein contents were increased from 6 per centum to 9 per centum as compared to 100 per centum wheat flour cookies ( James et al. , 2007 ) .Significance of Gram and its flourGram ( Cicer arietinum L. ) is one of the most of import leguminous plants, cultivated in Pakistan. It ranks foremost on the footing of whole grain production ( FAO, 2000 ) . Gram or garbanzo, as a whole grain, and its flour are considered as the basic nutrient over the big portion of the universe but still its possible wellness b enefits are hidden and it is non every bit much utilized as it could be ( Amjad et al. , 2006 ; Catherine et al. , 2010 ) . Gram has been used for fixing a assortment of traditional and cultural nutrient points ( Geervani, 1991 ) , and besides as a important ingredient in bakeshop merchandises, imitation milk, infant nutrients preparations and meat merchandises ( Hung and Nithian-andan, 1993 ) . In the signifier of ‘dhal ‘ , gm is identified as a critical beginning of protein in Pakistan, India and Middle East. Gram flour is assorted with wheat flour to bake ‘basini roti ‘ that is unraised staff of life normally consumed by diabetic patients particularly in the rural countries of Sub continent Indo-Pak. An epidemiological study revealed that people of low socio-economic position using gm as a major ingredient of their diet, had comparatively low incidence of cardio-vascular diseases ( Raza, 2003 ) . Undoubtedly many surveies give us an thought about the nutritionary value of gm as it contains 17.1 per centum to 23.4 per centum protein, 4.2 per centum to 5.3 per centum fat, 2.0 per centum to 3.0 per centum minerals and besides 1507 kJ nutrient energy. The parallel values after gm are 20.8 per centum, 5.6 per centum, 2.7 per centum and 1557 kJ, severally ( Hulse, 1991 ; Gopalan et al. , 1993 ) . Furthermore, the merchandises of gm contained 21.1 per centum protein, 3.1 per centum fat, 53.4 per centum saccharides, 11.1 per centum fibre and 5.9 per centum ash ( Khan et al. , 1995 ) . In another experiment, it was concluded that gm seed has 38-59 per centum saccharides, 3 per centum petroleum fibre, 4.8-5.5 per centum oil, 3 per centum ash, 0.2 per centum Ca and 0.3 per centum phosphoric. Digestibility of protein varied from 76-78 per centum and for saccharides from 57-60 per centum ( Huisman and Van der Poel, 1994 ) . Composite flour prepared by blending gram flour with wheat flour at 10, 15 and 20 per centum degree of replacing influenced the N keeping and digestibleness. Growth rate was besides increased with higher proportions of gram flour ( Kausar, 1976 ; Firdous et al. , 1977 ) Harmonizing to a scientific research, it is observed that garbanzo rich diet brings about many good alterations in nutrient picks and alimentary consumption. It was reported that the ingestion of 140 g/day cooked garbanzos and its flour based nutrients for six hebdomads resulted in a important addition in proteins degree and dietetic fibres consumption and besides lessening in concentrated fatty acids and cholesterin consumption in healthy middle-aged voluntaries ( Nestel et al. , 2006 ; Riccardi et al. , 2004 ; Yao and Roberts, 2001 ) .Cookies Prepared by utilizing Gram flourGrain leguminous plants and pulsations like gm contribute significantly towards nutritionary sweetening of nutrient merchandises and therefore carry throughing the balanced dietetic demands of people in developing and under developed states. Fortification of wheat flour with cheap basics, such as cereals and pulsations, helps in bettering the nutritionary quality of wheat merchandises ( Sharma et al. , 1999 ) . Gram flour is considered to be a good beginning of protein in the nutrient industry because of its big measure and high quality and easiness in treating to obtain protein enriched merchandises ( Rincon et al. , 1998 ) but the information on the munition of gram flour for cookies readying is instead bare. When the protein enriched biscuits were prepared from composite flours of wheat and different gm flours, it was noticed that the protein contents of biscuits were amplified as the degree of the gm flours increased ( Singh et al. , 1991 ) . Gram and mung bean flours are considered most advantageous for readying of protein fortified biscuits. These flours can be added in cooky preparation at different degrees of replacing. Supplement of garbanzos flour can increasingly increase the protein contents of biscuits. When the protein enriched biscuits were manufactured by utilizing chickpeas flours, the protein contents of biscuits were raised up to 21.83 g/100g as compared to wheat flour ( El-Nahas, 2008 ) . In a survey the physicochemical and centripetal belongingss of bastioned biscuits were evaluated and the biscuits were prepared by replacing wheat flour with specified concentrations ( 3 % , 6 % , 9 % , and 12 % ) of wide bean, gm and stray soy protein ( 3 % , 6 % , and 9 % ) . During proximate chemical analysis it was observed that munition increased protein contents from 16.57 per centum to 22.84 per centum. Acceptability survey showed that the supplementation of garbanzo and wide bean flour every bit good as isolated soy protein could be used in production of high-protein biscuits ( Rababah et al. , 2006 ) . Addition of 18 per centum gm flours to wheat flour biscuits increased the protein content from 10 per centum in market biscuits to 13 per centum in supplemented samples. Chickpea biscuits recorded best penchant among panellists and were significantly better than the other bastioned cookies ( El-Hag et al. , 2001 ) . In another experiment cookies were made by the replacing of wheat flour to 10, 20, 25 and 30 per centum by weight with gram/chick pea, mung bean or pigeon pea flours. Consequences of survey manifested that the best recognized cookies were those prepared from wheat flour incorporating 10 per centum of gram flour or 20 per centum of mung bean flour or 10 per centum of pigeon pea flour by weight, and protein content increased up to the degree of 7.45, 8.49 and 7.56 per centum on dry weight footing, severally ( Somchai et al. , 1998 ) . Biscuits supplemented with gram flour were prepared by blending gram flour at 5, 10 and 15 per centum degree of munition with wheat flour. It was reported that the nutritionary, rheological and centripetal properties of biscuits were improved at 10 percent degree of supplementation ( Nefisa et al. , 2006 ) . In another survey gram flour was assorted with wheat flour at a 15 to 25 per centum ( w/w ) replacing degree for doing supplemented cookies. From proximate analysis of cookies, it was concluded that gram flour was found suited for fixing dark-coloured cookies to enrich their protein and fibre contents ( Tsen et al. , 2006 ) .Biological Evaluation of CookiesNutritional and biological analysis of protein enriched cookies are performed to prove out bioavailability of proteins, biological value, net protein use ( NPU ) and protein efficiency ratio ( PER ) . These parametric quantities are normally checked by giving prescribed diet to prove animate beings like rats, mice and hogs etc. High protein biscuits were biological assayed by different research workers and interpreted that the add-on of 20 per centum defatted soy flour into biscuits recipe increased the digestibleness values from 68 per centum to 84 per centum as compared to command wheat flour based biscuits. The PER of soy flour cookies ( 1.4 ) had besides elevated to great extent ( Singh et al. , 2000 ) . In another experiment, the alimentary bastioned cookies were prepared by utilizing green gm pigeon pea flour. By analysing protein digestiblenesss on rats, it was revealed that the bastioned cookies showed significantly higher values than control diets ( Devi et al. , 2000 ) . Consequence of combinations of leguminous plant and millet flours on net protein use, biological value and true digestibleness was evaluated by utilizing albino Sprague-Dawley rats. It was reported that sorghum and gm combination had higher digestibleness. It was besides noticed that the rats fed upon gram-sorghum biscuits gained more weight than the others and had significantly higher biological values ( Geervani et al. , 1996 ) .AssortedGram flours are besides being used in the fabrication of bakeshop merchandises other than cookies for the intent of protein enrichment. During a recent survey the ability of garbanzo flour to enrich pasta merchandises ( e.g. lasagna ) was checked and found that the entire protein contents increased along with the degree of munition ( Sabanis et al. , 2006 ) . During surveies on the betterment of functional and baking belongingss of wheat-chickpea flour blends with add-on of gluten ( 1.5, 3.0, 4.5 and 6.0 per centum ) and sodium steroyl-lactylate ( SSL ) 0.5 per centum showed that garbanzo flour up to the degree of 10 per centum supplementation non merely better the functional and baking belongingss of dough but besides the over all protein contents of bakeshop merchandises increased ( Narpinder et al. , 2007 ) . In another experiment garbanzo flour ( CPF ) was used as addendum in the readying of bars. While detecting the quality attributes of bed and sponge bars, it was concluded that the add-on of garbanzo flour even at 100 percent degree of replacing with wheat flour for bar production is applicable. However, 20 to 50 per centum degree of CPF produces better consequences ( Gomez et al. , 2008 ) . Similarly staff of lifes were besides prepared from wheat flour supplemented with 0, 10, 20 and 30 per centum ungerminated or germinated gram flour to find different quality features of staff of life. It was examined the bastioned staff of lifes did non differ significantly, but the loaf fortified with 10 per centum germinated gram flour did non compare positively with the control ( Maria and Berry, 1989 ) . Gram flour is besides used for fabrication of extruded merchandises. Like in a survey, engineers successfully made usage of gm flour for the readying of nutritionally enhanced spaghetti. It was concluded that Gram flour-fortii ¬?ed spaghetti was extremely acceptable to consumers and had sensible pasta quality, lower cookery loss and less stickiness than the control spaghetti and besides retained better texture than hard wheat after infrigidation ( Wood, 2009 ) . It is apparent from old literature that the enrichment of protein in bakeshop merchandises has been a phenomenal exercising for research workers. Protein contents in cookies are being improved by using assorted works beginnings particularly grain leguminous plants and pulsations. Among these gms flour is proved more suited than other possible protein beginnings for replacing with wheat flour in bakeshop goods, due to its easy handiness, low cost, more good wellness chances and good pleasant gustatory sensation.Chapter 3MATERIALS AND METHODSThe proposed research was carried out at National Agricultural Research Centre ( NARC ) , Islamabad and in the Department of Food Technology, PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi and partly at National Institute of Health ( N.I.H ) , Islamabad.PROCUREMENT OF RAW MATERIALSThe natural stuff like consecutive grade flour, gram flour, hydrogenated vegetable fat and all the other ingredients for the readying of cookies were purchased from the loc al market.Preparation OF GRAM AND STRAIGHT GRADE FLOURS BLENDSTreatments under StudyThe gm flour was assorted with consecutive grade flour at different degrees, for the readying of cookies as given in table 3.1.Preparation OF COOKIESThe cookies with 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 per centum supplementation degree of gram flour was prepared harmonizing to the AACC ( 2000 ) method No.10-50D with little alterations. The formula used for doing cookies is shown in table 3.2.Table 3.1: Percentage composing of Composite flours ( Straight rate flour + Gram flour )Treatments Straight grade flour ( % ) Gram flour ( % ) T0 100 0 T1 90 10 T2 80 20 T3 70 30 T4 60 40 T5 50 50Table 3.2 Recipe used for cookies readyingIngredientsWeightFlour/ composite flour100 gSugar45 gHydrogenated vegetable ghee50 gDextrose solution4.5 milliliterBeaten egg12.5 milliliterBaking pulverization1.0 gChemical AND NUTRITIONAL ANALYSISProximate Analysis of Straight Grade Flour, Gram Flour, Composite Flours and CookiesStraight Grade Flour, Gram Flour and Composite Flours were analyzed for their proximate composing harmonizing to their several methods described in AACC ( 2000 ) . Gram flour supplemented cookies and wheat flour cookies were analyzed for wet content, petroleum protein, petroleum fat, petroleum fibre and mineral contents harmonizing to their several methods as described in AACC ( 2000 ) with little alterations where necessary.Moisture contentThe wet content of each sample was determined by drying 2 g sample in a hot air oven at a temperature of 130 A ± 2 A °C boulder clay to a changeless weight harmonizing to AACC ( 2000 ) Method No. 44-19. The wet was calculat ed by the undermentioned expression: Wt. of wet ( g ) Wt. of sample ( g ) Moisture ( % ) =     – A-100Crude proteinThe petroleum protein content was determined in each sample by Kjeldahl ‘s method as described in AACC ( 2000 ) Method No. 46-10. Sample ( 0.5 g ) was digested with concentrated H2SO4 in the presence of digestion mixture. ( K2SO4, CuSO4, and FeSO4 with 100:10:5 parts severally ) . The digested sample was so filtrated and volume was made to 250 milliliter. The 10 milliliter of diluted sample was distilled with 40 per centum NaOH into 4 per centum boric acid which was so titrated with 0.1 N H2SO4 to illume tap colour terminal point. Vol. of 0.1 N H2SO4 used x 0.0014 x 250 N ( % ) = x 100 Weight of sample x Vol. of diluted sample used Protein ( % ) = Nitrogen ( % ) X 6.25Crude fatThe fat per centum was determined by utilizing crude oil ether as dissolver in Soxhlet setup harmonizing to method described in AACC ( 2000 ) method No. 30-10. Following expression was used to cipher the fat % Wt. of fat ( g ) Wt. of sample ( g ) Fat ( % ) =     – A-100Crude fibreFor finding of petroleum fibre content, the defatted and dried samples ( 2.0 g ) were digested with 1.25 % H2SO4 followed by 1.25 % NaOH solution and filtered as described in AACC ( 2000 ) method No. 32-10.01. The filtered samples were dried in hot air oven. Then dried samples were weighed and placed in muffle furnace at 550-600 A °C for 5-6 hours. The undermentioned expression was used to find the fibre content. Wt. of sample ( g ) Wt. loss on ignition ( g ) Crude Fiber ( % ) =     – A-100AshWt. of ash ( g ) The ash content of each sample was determined by incinerating the dry sample in Muffle furnace at 500-600 EsC for 5 to 6 hours as described in AACC ( 2000 ) method No. 08-01.The following expression was used to cipher the ash content. Wt. of sample ( g ) Ash ( % ) =     – A-100Nitrogen free infusionNitrogen free infusion was determined by utilizing the undermentioned expression: NFE ( % ) = 100 – ( wet % + petroleum protein % + petroleum fat % + rough fibre % + ash % )Mineral EstimationMinerals ( Fe, Ca, Mg, Mn and Zn ) in cookies were determined by AACC ( 2000 ) Method No. 40-70 by utilizing atomic soaking up spectrophotometer ( Model GBC 932 PLUS, UK ) . The samples were wet digested harmonizing to the method reported by Richard ( 1969 ) before running through Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer.Physical EvaluationPhysical features of cookies ( breadth, thickness and dispersed factor ) were determined harmonizing to AACC ( 2000 ) Method No. 10-53.FARINOGRAPHIC STUDIESThe flour samples were through Brabender farinograph equipped with 50 g bowl capacity to asses the physical dough behaviour of different flour samples harmonizing to AACC ( 2000 ) . The undermentioned parametric quantities were derived from the farinograms:Water AbsorptionThe H2O soaking up capacity of the flour was measured as the sum of H2O required to make the curve at the centre 500 Brabender units ( B.U. ) line of the farinogram. It was straight recorded from the H2O degree in the burette attached with the equipment and expressed as per centum.Dough Development TimeIt is observed as the clip taken by the curve to make the point of maximal dough consistence before the first indicant of weakening.Dough StabilityDough stableness was recorded from the farinogram as the difference in the clip between the point where the top of the curve foremost cross the 500 B.U. line, known as arrival clip and the point where the top of the curve departs from it which is called as going clip.Time to BreakdownIt was noted as the clip from the add-on of H2O until top of the curve declined from the 500 B.U. line.Tolerance IndexThe tolerance index was calculated as the difference between the centres of the curve 5 proceedingss after the extremum. It was besides measured in B.U.Centripetal EVALUATIONCentripetal rating ( coloring material, spirit, gustatory sensation, texture and over all acceptableness ) of cookies was determined harmonizing to the method of Larmond ( 1977 ) .Biological EVALUATION OF BISCUITSThe biological rating of gm based protein enriched biscuits was done at National Institute of Health ( Veterinary Division ) , Islamabad by feeding different diets to immature albino rats ( Sprague-Dawley ) of unvarying age. The rats were purchased from N.I.H. ( Veterinary Division ) , Islamabad. The eating tests ( Table 3.3 ) were conducted harmonizing to the process adopted by Tetens et Al. ( 1995 ) with little accommodations as done by Awan et al. , ( 1995 ) .Experimental ProcedureThirty two immature albino rats were used for the nutritionary rating of the experimental diets. All the diets were kept isonitrogenous and isocaloric. The rats were fed on basal diet for a period of 1 hebdomad and so randomly divided into 8 groups consisting of 4 rats each. All the experimental diets ( Table 3.3 ) were indiscriminately allotted to each group. All the groups wer e fed ad-libitum for a period of 10 yearss. Composite weight of each group of rats was recorded daily with electronic top burden balance. The body waste of each group of rat were besides collected on the separate filter paper sheet. Fresh and clean H2O was provided all the times to each group in separate graduated glass bottles. At the terminal of 10 yearss, the fecal stuff was collected and dried at 105 A °C and stored in polythene bags for nitrogen appraisal. Then the rats were killed by trichloromethane anaesthesia. The organic structure and meat were dried at 105 A °C. After full drying all the stuff was grinded through electric bomber and stored in polythene bags for nitrogen appraisal. The nutritionary parametric quantities like provender ingestion and organic structure weight, protein efficiency ratio, true digestibleness, net protein use and biological value were determined by following the method of Miller and Bender ( 1955 ) .Feed Consumption and Body WeightFeed ingest ion of different groups of rats was measured on day-to-day footing. The weight of each group was besides recorded on day-to-day footing. The record of feed consumption and organic structure weight was maintained.Protein Efficiency Ratio ( P.E.R. )PER of different experimental diets was determined from weight addition and protein consumption informations of rats as described below: Addition in weight Protein intakeP.E.R. =    –True Digestibility ( T.D. )True Digestibility was determined as given below: Nitrogen intake – ( Faecal N-Metabolic N ) T.D. =                            – ten 100 Nitrogen consumptionNet Protein Utilization ( NPU )The N content of diets, fecal matters and carcase of each group including protein free group were determined by micro kjeldahl ‘s method. The net protein use was determined by the method of Miller and Bender ( 1955 ) as shown below: B-Bk + Ik N.P.U. ( % ) =         A- 100 I Where B = Body N of trial group Bk = Body N of protein free group I = N consumption of trial group Ik = N consumption of protein free groupBiological ValueIt was calculated by using the undermentioned expression: Net protein use B.V. ( % ) =                  x 100 True digestiblenessStatistical AnalysisThe information obtained was analyzed by utilizing analysis of discrepancy technique harmonizing to the method of Steel et Al. ( 1997 ) .Table 3.3 Composition of assorted diets incorporating supplemented cookiesIngredients Diets T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Casein ( Tc ) Non-Protein ( Tnp ) Casein––––––6.0–Cookies 87.6 78.0 73.8 66.7 59.9 54.9––Glucose 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Vitamin premix 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Mineral premix 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 Corn oil 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Corn amylum 1.4 11 15.2 22.3 29.1 34.1 83.0 89.0 Entire 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 T0 = Control ( consecutive rate flour cookies ) T1 = 10 % gram flour incorporating cookies T2 = 20 % gram flour incorporating cookies T3 = 30 % gram flour incorporating cookies T4 = 40 % gram flour incorporating cookies T5 = 50 % gram flour incorporating cookies Tc = Casein diet Tnp = Non-protein diet
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